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Treat yourself to dominance with the Ultimus. Designed to tame the wild violence of a .50 BMG, this powerhouse suppressor is most effective with high-powered calibers. Make your fun thunder-stick even more enjoyable at the long-range competition with the Ultimus.
The number in the Model Name is how long the suppressor is. For example, an Ultimus 10 is 10” long, an Ultimus 16 is 16” long. Generally speaking, the longer the suppressor is, the quieter it is.
All Ultimus models are 2” diameter, with the model number being the suppressor’s length.
Available calibers are:
.38 / 9mm
If the bullet fits through the hole, the silencer can handle the abuse.
Full-auto rated with all above listed calibers. No barrel restrictions.
Available with several mounting options using our Ultimus Mount System:
Made 100% from Titanium for maximum durability.